
Your action for today is to discover something new about a family member, friend or co-worker. 

By  Casey

Here’s your “QuoteAction” of the day:

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.”

Your action for today is to discover something new about a family member, friend or co-worker.

This action item just makes me laugh to be honest!  I usually like to give a few suggestions but since I do not want to receive any e-mail about you snooping on your family, I will leave this one alone. ~~ That being said, I can’t wait to snoop around today and see what kind of dirt I can find.  🙂  Go out and discover today, it can be very interesting in what you find!!

Have an extraordinary day!

Give someone an AWESOME day!!


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  1. Hey this is great too. Just by taking the interest in that person it’s likely to come back in a positive way. Kinda goes along with “use your ears more than your mouth”

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