This is a series. You have to go back and read the prior blog because we are really going to help you reinvent your career in any way that you would like, with tons of information. However you must do a few things first.
1. If you are reading this due to illness or job loss in order to re invent yourself you must remember who you are in the midst of hardship. I am a cancer survivor of many years filled with 20 surgeries, chemo (lost my hair twice), and during this time my ex husband passed away leaving me a single parent of my twin daughters. The knocks just kept coming.
Every single day I remembered who I had been all of these years…remind yourself everyday of the good stuff and I do not really mean in your physical being…I mean in your mind, heart and soul. If you are still are….caring…loving…
2. The negative stuff…the worry…during your focused designated work and/or learning time you will put all of the negative stuff aside. You will follow the program…one small success at a time …everyday.
3. I want you to throw your ego out the door…free yourself from what you think you should have had by now and just do it. No more sadness of what you lost…just thoughts of new things to come to rebuild or keep building…one simple task at a time…one thing at a time.
If you can do these three things along with being consistent and focused you can re invent yourself. It is not easy and it takes time. It is possible at any age.
Come back tomorrow and we will start a conversation about how to look at money…making it …saving it …and spending it.
Amy Regenstreif is a professional patient advocate and she negotiates large medical bills. For over 5 years she helped facilitate cancer survivorship groups. She recently retired from her insurance business that she had for over 10 years. She is also is a Send Out Cards Representative and loves to teach small business marketing skills. She has done of all of this while dealing with her own cancer.
She is a member of Casey’s Platinum Inner Circle. This is Casey’s space where she is guest blogging. She can be reached at if you have questions about anything that she is doing! Thank You Casey!
Here is the link to Part 1 of this series.