<<Networking Nugget>> Take 30 minutes to read a positive book at a coffee shop. Sit in such a way that other people can see what you are reading. We are building a network and 2 of my TOP paying clients came from them seeing the book I was reading at a coffee shop and conversation was sparked. Getting out of your normal routine for a day won’t kill you….
This is such a great way to change up your daily networking. I have become a staple at our local coffee shop and can’t even begin to tell you about how reading there has helped me in building my professional network. The conversations that are sparked by other people in the shop have been some of the most powerful business conversations I have ever had! I have made some great friends and 2 of my top clients came from coffee shops!
Give someone an AWESOME day!
Now this is something I should do. I already read so much and I write my own book summaries of my books. I should just do it in public.
What a GREAT idea!! I always in a coffee shop just plugging away on my laptop….next time i will bring Stepping Stones to Success………….Havea great week!!! VICTOR