Today’s Networking Nugget is actually really easy to do and will only take you a few short minutes. Go find 3 people who you would like to have as clients and leave a comment on their blog. If they have a facebook or twitter share button, share it to your wall. This will go a long way in showing someone you are interested in them. So, find 3 blogs of people you would like to have as clients or people you would like to add to your ever growing network and leave them a comment! p.s. Don’t forget to share the post to your fb wall. If you like this Networking Nugget There is a fan page at
Awesome nugget my friend. As part of my daily routine, I now spend about 30 minutes a day suffering around for good posts, sharing, and commenting. It has helped me to gain more recognition, build a following, and network with some great leaders.
You rock as always!
Great Post Casey! I leave comments just like this all the time, and as a blogger, its a great way to build backlinks to get more traffic to your site. Really enjoy your Network Nuggets and would love to connect sometime. I met you in Vegas with Todd Falcone, but I told Eric Clemmons I’d like to connect with you. Give me a call sometime at 8653884000. Keep up the great work brother! Talk soon