
Adding new clients to your network is easy with this Networking Nugget by Casey Eberhart 

By  Casey

Today’s Networking Nugget is actually really easy to do and will only take you a few short minutes. Go find 3 people who you would like to have as clients and leave a comment on their blog. If they have a facebook or twitter share button, share it to your wall. This will go a long way in showing someone you are interested in them. So, find 3 blogs of people you would like to have as clients or people you would like to add to your ever growing network and leave them a comment! p.s. Don’t forget to share the post to your fb wall. If you like this Networking Nugget There is a fan page at http://www.facebook.com/NetworkingNuggets




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  1. Awesome nugget my friend. As part of my daily routine, I now spend about 30 minutes a day suffering around for good posts, sharing, and commenting. It has helped me to gain more recognition, build a following, and network with some great leaders.
    You rock as always!

  2. Great Post Casey! I leave comments just like this all the time, and as a blogger, its a great way to build backlinks to get more traffic to your site. Really enjoy your Network Nuggets and would love to connect sometime. I met you in Vegas with Todd Falcone, but I told Eric Clemmons I’d like to connect with you. Give me a call sometime at 8653884000. Keep up the great work brother! Talk soon

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