
8 HOT Tips to remember when eating for health, fitness & fun eating too! 

By  Casey

· Nutrition is too often referred in myths, misinformation and misery.

· Food should be fun & enjoyed, not feared.

· Some nutrition claims should be viewed with a skeptical eye.

· Nutrition is a science, not a point of view.

· If something sounds too good to be true — it usually is.

· No single food is the downfall of any diet — or a savior.

· Taste and health can happily co-exist.

· It’s important to eat what you love and love what you eat.

Who am I to be giving you these tips? My name is Melanie McIntyre and I’ve been around the corner, around the mulberry bush and through the woods when it come to nutrition, eating and enjoying eating without worry. First I was a fat kid. Fat, as in not exercising and eating all the wrong foods because in our house all the food was for ‘slim’ eating and nothing was for ‘fun’ eating. My mother was always watching her weight and that was no fun for us kids. When I went to other kids’ houses and was offered fun foods, I wanted to eat all I could get.

My idea was that healthy food was no fun. Then when I grew into a teenager I discovered I could eat and eat and eat, and not gain weight! I went on the go, go, go with my friends everywhere diet. Heck, I was 15! I didn’t gain weight, until one day when I did gain weight, I went to the gym. I went to the gym again then went to the gym again and again, I went to the gym. Meanwhile when I was eating I wasn’t eating the right foods. Besides all the alcohol and extra-curricular activity I was doing that burned calories, i.e., bike riding, walking to/from school, walking to/from friend’s houses, walking to/from the bus to go to the mall or beach, etc. Then, suddenly when I met the man who became my husband, my body changed, BIG TIME! So I had to change my patterns again. Then came the day when we decided to start a family. Again I changed my eating patterns. When I got pregnant I changed my eating patterns again. When I found out I was having twins I was surprised that I was directed to change my eating patterns again.

When the kids were born prematurely we found out the kids have CF, Cystic Fibrosis. My whole life changed but my eating habits went out the window. I was just trying to keep up with all that needed to get done. I instinctively wanted to give the kids the best nutritional foundation so I made all their food myself. Ice cube trays filled with pureed organic peas and carrots and so much more. I lost weight in the first 3 years of the kids’ lives just because I was stressed and busy. But when my children entered school on a full-time basis that’s when everything changed for me.

I was fed-up with not knowing what to eat for myself and now I wanted to put some time and effort into learning about nutrition and fitness from experts. I read every article I could while waiting for teacher conferences and soccer games and doctor visits. Lots and lots of doctor visits. The biggest nutritional phase I’ve had to go through and learn all about was the CFRD my daughter was diagnosed with. CFRD is Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes and we had to learn a lot and quickly because in order to help keep the bacteria from growing in her lungs as well as the rest of her body too, we had to learn to keep the sugar to a minimum!

That’s who I am! I am a woman watching her weight in order to feel the best I can about myself and how I am treating myself. I am a mom looking to be a good example of health and nutrition. Now, in the year 2015, while my twins celebrate their 21st birthday, I am also a divorced woman looking to regain my self-confidence and help my daughter understand her diabetes too. That is why I believe it is so important to understand and recognize nutrition for all the health benefits it gives for over-all good feeling, high-energy, health stamina and more. But it’s important to have fun eating with friends whether at our own homes, their homes or eating out and about while doing our many enjoyable activities.

For more information about me, Melanie McIntyre and my “Inspirational Fitness & Nutrition While Being Busy!” newsletter

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